The Truth About Seed Oils And Why It Kills You (Slowly)

The headline sounds dramatic but far from untrue.

We have a chronic disease crisis. Americans are sick.

An estimated 60% of adults in the US have at least one (1). 40% two or more.

The most common chronic diseases are:

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Cancer

While this is multi-factorial, new evidence shows that seed oils are one of the main contributors.

These oils are a significant part of the American diet.
Due to the rise of processed foods, consumption has increased by over 1000% in the last 100 years.

What are Seed Oils?

Seed oils were waste products and machine lubricants until the 1920s, when Proctor and Gamble created the first household product, Crisco.

They are derived from seeds of crops like corn, canola, soybean, sunflower, rice bran, cottonseed, and safflower.

Seed oils are found in most packaged and processed foods, restaurants, infant formulas, and salad dressings.

It's hard to find packaged food containing no seed oil.

There are 2 types of fatty acids.

Saturated fats (solid at room temperature) and unsaturated fats (liquid at room temperature).

Most of our body is made of saturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

This is why we need an increased intake of these.

Unsaturated fats are divided into mono and polyunsaturated fats, also called PUFAS, known as Omega 3 and 6 fats.

PUFAS are the main type of fatty acid in seed oils.

Because these are less required in the human body, we need to reduce polyunsaturated fats.

New evidence shows that the high consumption of omega 3 and 6 fats, specifically linoleic acid, is the reason for the epidemic of chronic diseases.

It's important to know that all seed oils are high in PUFAS/linoleic acid and low in saturated fats.

All animal fats are high in saturated fats and low in PUFAS/linoleic acid.

Why Are Seed Oils Harmful?

Refined processes like bleaching and deodorizing are necessary to achieve a consistency suitable for food consumption.

These processes involve highly toxic substances like hexane and bleach.

In the body, seed oils are easily oxidized(broken down), which causes cell membrane damage (2).

But more importantly, they damage the mitochondria, which is the engine of your cells.

It reduces glutathione production in the liver, the body's main antioxidant.

Every cell in the body needs glutathione.

It is essential to minimize waste, repair, and detoxify.

The oxidized fats get trapped in the cell membrane and cause inflammation.

While linoleic acid is needed by the human body in small quantities, the excessive amounts found in seed oils contribute to the most common chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (34).

Seed oils and chronic diseases are complicated, but a clear connection is emerging.

Yet, they're used in most restaurants and processed foods due to their low cost.

The Dirty 8

There are 8 seed oils that you have to eliminate from your diet: Corn oil, Canola oil (Rapeseed oil), Cotton seed oil, Soy oil, Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Grapeseed oil, and Rice bran oil.

How To Cut Seed Oils Out of Your Life

First, cut all processed food and dressings from your diet. Period!

They contain an abnormous amount of seed oils and create other health issues.

Industrial food companies don't care about your health.

They care about profit, and seed oils are the cheapest way to add fat to food.

Start checking the label of every food you buy.

In my experience, over 90% of foods sold in grocery stores contain seed oils.

Restaurants are just as bad. Ask what kind of oils they use before you eat out.

You can tell the server you have a seed oil allergy and can't eat any foods prepared with seed oils (there is no such thing as a seed oil allergy, but shhh!)

Best oils to cook your food:

  • Butter, Ghee butter

  • Beef tallow

  • Coconut oil

Best oil for dressing and room-temperature foods:

  • Olive oil

While seed oils are not the only dietary change humans have seen in the past 100 years, evidence shows that their beneficial health claims are falling short and pose a significant problem to our health.

Choose wisely what oils you use. Your body is a temple.


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