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In-depth knowledge about your mind and body.

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Mental Tools, optimize your life & improve your performance.

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Who am I?


Hey, I’m Mack.

I am a writer and professional poker player with 7 figure lifetime earnings based in Houston, TX.

I started playing poker approx. 20 years ago. After turning pro a few years later, I realized that math and strategy are only a small part of the game.

To be successful, the mental game is far more essential.

The good players were good at only strategy and math. But the best players also mastered their mind and body.

In poker, the player that commits the least mistakes wins the most money.

The emotions caused by swings will fuck with you and cloud your judgment. The same applies to life.

Rule your mind & body, or they will rule you.

That’s when my curiosity about performance optimization started.

I help with practical knowledge and tools to help you grow your mind and body.

It's my goal to provide you with everything you need to overcome every obstacle in life.